Monday, October 14, 2013



 First batch  Interview classes to be held at Karaikudi.

4 days ( minimum )....   19.10.2013 & 20.10.2013,  and Some other week end/s..

9.00 AM to 6.00 PM.

For registration,
Contact 94864 31610, 04565 286671

Kindly bring copy of Hall ticket and Two passport size photograph.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Link to upload TNPSC documents

certificates to be uploaded
Kindly send by post as well as
upload the certificates in support of your claims (viz Educational Qualification,
Date of Birth, Gender, Community, Physically Handicapped etc) made in their
online application along with a copy of online application on or before 

Kindly send your documents thro speed / regd post to
The Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Frazer Bridge Road
V.O.C.Nagar, Park Town, Chennai-600003, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A kind Appeal from The Director, Pyramid IAS Academy to TNPSC AE Civil Aspirants

Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I am a Gold Medalist from IIT, Chennai. I am running this institution based on  the faith that  the selection process of TNPSC  is fair.

It was proved in last 2007, 2008 and 2010 TNPSC AE Civil recruitments that the selection process of TNPSC  is Fair ,Honest and merit based. Around 700+ Pyramid students working as AEs are the witness of this fact.

Based on this faith, around 10 Lakh aspirants from Tamilnadu are  sincerely preparing for various TNPSC Competitive examinations like Gr I, Gr II, Gr IV etc.

This TNPSC system consists of many people. As we know, To err is Human.

It is believed that one such error has happened during the TNPSC AE Civil recruitment written exam evaluation process. 

That is, Civil Engineering answer papers with Cross Series and Flower series might have been evaluated with wrong Civil Engineering key. So, Candidates who expected high scores but received Cross Series and Flower series Civil Engineering Question Papers did not find their number in the result. About 70 of them represented this issue to The secretary, TNPSC and waiting for his clarification.

My further discussion is about  the aspirants who belong to any one of these following Six categories.
Group A
·         Expected score above 325 , Cleared written exam, Square or circle series QP
Group B
·         Expected score 300 to 325 , Cleared written exam, Square or circle series QP
Group C
·         Expected score less than 300 , Cleared written exam, Square or circle series QP
Group D
·         Expected score above 325 , Not Cleared written exam, Flower or Cross series QP
Group E
·         Expected score 300 to 325 , Not Cleared written exam, Flower or Cross series QP
Group F
·         Expected score less than 300, Not Cleared written exam, Flower or Cross series QP

 Let me Congratulate the  aspirants who belong to  Group A & Group B for your excellent achievement in your written examinations.  I request you to kindly send / upload the documents before the last date to TNPSC. About 250+ students of Pyramid belong to this group urging to conduct Interview classes. Week end interview classes at Karaikudi  starts from 19.10.2013.
link to upload documents

Group A aspirants: No need to worry about anything. You will find your number whether AE written result is the current one or a future revised one. Your chance of getting selected in final list is very high compared to Group B, C, E & F.

Group B aspirants: Your chance of getting selected in final list is 50:50, which is based on
 a) which list is used for interview
b)your community
 c) Gender
d) your interview performance and
e) Special reservation if any.

Group D aspirants:  You are very unlucky and in a pathetic situation. About 30 of you expected a score of more than 350. Many of the candidates of this group contacted us. Some of them were crying. I have no words to console them.   But there is no need to worry. The TNPSC will sort out the problem very soon. I will also try to help you in all possible ways.

Group E aspirants: You have more chances to clear the written examination if it is reevaluated . But again, Your chance of getting selected in final list is 50:50, which is based on
a)your community
b) Gender
c) your interview performance and
d) Special reservation if any.

Group F aspirants: No need to worry about anything. You have very less chance to clear the written examination even if it is reevaluated. Still only few of you may find your name in final list. (those belonging to SCA, SCW, ST or PH ).

Special request to Group C Aspirants

    I just want to congratulate for your selection in TNPSC AE Exam. But solution to the above problem is within the hands of GT, BC and MBC aspirants of this group .

Let me explain.

Assume a situation that there is no re-evaluation.

You can the attend the interview. But about 400 candidates in Civil Engineering of group A & B, who expect a score of 300 and above will also attend the interview with you. Some of them are claiming as high as 390 marks in written exam. As the ultimate selection is based total marks of both written & Interview, it is extremely impossible for a GT, BC and MBC aspirants of this group to find a place in final selection list. Moreover, If the aspirants of Group D & E are not allowed to attend the interview, they may challenge this selection process in the Honourable court.
As all OMR sheets are with TNPSC, a writ petition in the Honourable court and/or Individual RTIs are sufficient to get individual OMRs of all candidates.

As we are living in a country, where Great souls like Gandhi and Bhudda lived, I request you that some of you of group C should come forward with your expected marks and other details. It will be extremely helpful for TNPSC to understand and solve the problem. Either it is the present result or future revaluated result, will not assure the AE Civil job for Group C aspirants, I humbly request you to help the fellow Civil Engineers of Group D &E, who are helpless and in a frustrated situation, to find their places in the interview process.  

As token of appreciation, I resolved
1)    to provide you a free and an intensive coaching in the next TNPSC AE Civil Examinations.
2)    to honour you in our Academy personally as well as through the Pyramid blogspot.
3)    to bear all your TA & DA expenditure to come to TNPSC for this purpose.

If you are in Group C and want to help the people of group D,

Kindly call 9791846922 or send an e-mail to

I request all AE civil aspirants, to share this link in FB, Twitter or any other social networks.

Let us hope, Truth only triumphs.

With Profound Regards,

Karpagam M. M.Tech.,

Cross Series And Flower series - Unlucky...

A preliminary analysis of  TNPSC AE CIVIL results shows that Candidates who got Civil Engineering Question Paper with Cross Series and Flower series were worst affected.

Candidates who got Civil Engineering Question Paper with Square Series and Circle series only cleared the exam.

It seems that only 50 % of Civil Engineering answer papers ( Coding Sheets )  might have been evaluated with proper Civil Engineering key.

A little consideration will show that only 50 % of Civil Engineering candidates in the selection list are genuine.

That is, only the top 50 % of Civil Engineering candidates in the present selection list will not be affected by this anomaly .

The more detailed analysis will be published later.

At same time,  some candidates who cleared the exam as per the recent TNPSC Results , now started saying higher written exam marks to mislead/confuse  others.

Let us hope, Truth only triumphs

Saturday, October 5, 2013



 First batch  Interview classes to be held at Karaikudi.

4 days ( minimum )....   19.10.2013 & 20.10.2013,  and Some other week end/s..

9.00 AM to 6.00 PM.

For registration,
Contact 94864 31610, 04565 286671

Kindly bring copy of Hall ticket and Two passport size photograph.

Anomaly ( inconsistency ) in TNPSC AE Civil results ...

TNPSC AE Civil results published yesterday.

Many students, who are expecting higher written marks , surprisingly unable to clear the written exam based on yesterday results.

Unexpectedly, some students with low written marks qualified the exam.

Many students believed that something wrong might have occurred during written exam evaluation.

If your written mark is more than 325 and you have not qualified in this exam,

Immediately call  9791846922

Kindly send your concern to TNPSC immediately.(,  )

Also, kindly  inform your question series ( Square or circle or clever etc..).

For further action send your opinion, details , or  mail id to

For more details, Visit

Friday, October 4, 2013

TNPSC AE - CESE results announced..

Click here for TNPSC result link

The candidates whose Register Numbers mentioned  are
provisionally considered into zone of consideration at the ratio of 1:3 for
admission to the Certificate verification to the POSTS INCLUDED IN THE
based on the results of the Written Examination conducted by the Commission
on 02-03-2013 FN & AN and with reference to their claims made in their online
applications, rule of reservation of applicants and vacancies.